GLORIAM DEO • Honor and Praise to the Maker of All Things

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Merry Christmas, Jackie

I trust that all is well with you these days, in spite of the difficult year behind us.

Even though this past year, has been a rather difficult one for the USA, and for all the people of earth, it still wasn’t the end of the world – just another tremor in the Force.

Jackie and everyone in your family, please accept this Christmas wish from me.

Tonight is Christmas Eve, and of course I truly wish you the very best of everything.

I trust that you will finish strong this year, and that you will continue live strong throughout the coming year.

Blessings to you, and to everyone you love, and to everyone who loves you. We are many.

Merry Christmas 2021

May you, and every person in your family, near and far,
and all of your friends,
know joy and happiness this Christmas.

May peace and blessing
be your gift without end,

May your heart
stay calm and strong and steady,

May your soul
know peace that surpasses all understanding,

May your mind
be clear and confident about all your decisions,

May your strength
be resilient and enduring to overcome all obstacles,

May God hold you safely in the protection of His arms
here on earth and for the eventual long road home.