GLORIAM DEO • Honor and Praise to the Maker of All Things

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Our purpose in this world


God created each of us to fulfill many hundreds of thousands of specific purposes for Him during our life in this world. He has committed this work to each of us which he has not committed to another. We have our mission – we may not know how to understand it in this life, but we shall become aware of it in the next.

Each of us is a very small link in a very long chain. We are an essential bond of connection with every other person on earth. Our Lord has created each of us to do our part, to pursue His purpose for each of us in this world. We shall do our part to fulfill His will. We shall pursue our purpose. We are meant to do good. We are meant to do His work. We shall fulfill His will, no turning back.

Wherever He chooses us to be, whatever He chooses us to do, we are never thrown away. If we are in sickness, our sickness serves Him. If we are in sorrow, our sorrow serves Him. If we are confused, our confusion serves Him.

He does nothing without purpose. He may take away our friends. He may throw us among strangers. He may make us feel desolate. He may make our spirits sink. He may hide our future from us. Still, He uses us to complete His purpose. He is our Lord, and we are meant to trust Him, no turning back.

To be born, to be alive, to share in this splendid experience we call “Life” — is to be chosen — personally, by our own name, by the Maker of All Things, to share in the majesty of His creation. The major factors of life — when and where we are born, who will be our family, what will be our future, how we will get there, why we are chosen — are not of our own understanding, but this is where the journey begins.

God has created each of us to live a meaningful, purposeful life for Him. With every single interaction we experience with others each day, we live through hundreds of thousands of His purposes for each of us within the immensity of His creation. Our own freedom of choice fits perfectly into His purpose for each of us.

God gives us just enough sense, just enough wisdom, just enough grace, to give back to Him the gift of our living in grateful appreciation for His gift of life of life to each of us.

Each of us is chosen to fulfill many special purposes in this world, known very well to the Maker, chosen specifically for each of us by the Maker, even as we proceed forward unaware. He has His purposes for each of us to fulfill what He has not committed to others.

Each of us has our own mission and purpose in this world. Although some of us may not really know how to understand our mission and purpose in this life, in the unfolding tapestry of time, we are meant to become aware, to realize, to discover, to know our purpose in this world.

Pieces of our stories are revealed to us each day, for good or ill, by everyone we touch, by everyone who touches us. If we are too busy to notice in this world, we shall be made aware in the next.