February 22, 2016 – Fr. John Riccardo – Funeral Mass Homily for his father John J. Riccardo at Holy Name Parish – Birmingham, MI – 2/19/16.
March 20, 2018 – “Because of You, I know Who God Is” – Fr. John Riccardo
September 19, 2018 – Fr. John Riccardo – Funeral Mass Homily for his Mother – 9/18/18
October 22, 2018 – “Authority is Not Power” – Fr. John Riccardo
November 26, 2018 – Proclaiming the Kerygma – Fr. John Riccardo – This is from the Parish Day of Renewal event on 11/16/18 at Wyndham Gardens in Sterling Heights, Michigan.
March 31, 2020 – Created: Why is there something rather than nothing? – In this first of three talks, after briefly explaining the work of ACTS XXIX, Fr. John offers us an overview of the core of the gospel message, and then calls our attention to the indescribable power and majesty of the God who created everything out of nothing and out of love.
Kerygma Discussion Questions for Family, Friends and Small Groups:
1. What did you learn from this presentation? What impacted you the most and why?
2. Have you ever taken the time to ponder creation deeply? If not, why not?
3. How is contemplating the grandeur of the universe impacting you right now?
4. In your experience, how many Catholics have been overwhelmed by the message of the gospel and brought to a decision to surrender to Jesus? Why do you think that is?
5. We’re living in unprecedented days. In the midst of the current crisis, what’s causing you anxiety right now? What are your greatest fears? How are you responding to your concerns?
6. The One who made the stars is with us in these days, in fact, He’s with us every day. Carve out some time in prayer and consider having an honest conversation with God about whatever is on your heart, with the intention of leaving every burden at His feet and ask Him for the peace that surpasses all understanding.
September 24, 2020 – Someone has Come to Fight | The Kerygma | Fr. John Riccardo – Why did God become man? What is our role in His plan? Fr. John Riccardo, Founder of Acts XXIX, lays out the Catholic approach to the story of Creation, and the importance of preaching the Gospel.
November 9, 2020 – Matthew 19, Women, and Divorce – Fr. John Riccardo
December 31, 2020 – Power in Weakness – Fr. John Riccardo
May 18, 2022 – Fr. John Riccardo was a keynote speaker at “Divided We Fail: How to regain unity among Catholics” the 2022 Familiaris Consortio (The Fellowship of the Family) Conference presented by Father Gabriel Richard High School, with Ave Maria Radio and Emmaus Health.
July 20, 2022 – At the Right to Life of Michigan event on July 17, 2022, Fr. John Riccardo courageously speaks in defense of human dignity.
August 16, 2022 – An Unknown Future and a Known God with Fr. John Riccardo and Mary Guilfoyle of ACTS XXIX joined Msgr. James Shea to discuss preaching the Gospel in the modern age. In an age in which many have heard the name of Jesus but few have encountered him, Christians are called to renew their evangelistic efforts, spreading a message of liberty to captives. Amidst the boredom and malaise of our modern culture, have no fear: you were born for this.
March 7, 2023 – The Beauty of Hope – Fr. John Riccardo – In the midst of a fallen world, Fr. John Riccardo speaks about the unwavering trust and hope that Christians are called to. When tempted to despair, we are challenged to hope that the Lord is addressing the storms in our lives, the lives of others, and the life of the Church.