A Gathering of the Great Nations of the Great Plains
Friday evening (September 18th), I took my nine year old grandson, August Hughes, to the Inter-Tribal Pow Wow held this weekend at the Soboba Reservation in San Jacinto, California.
The singers, dancers, and members of the drumming groups were Assiniboine, Cree, Lakota, Crow, Shoshone, Blackfoot, Hidatsa, Mandan, Arikara, Arapahoe, Pawnee, Omaha, and members of many other nations from all over North America.
The thundering drums, rhythmic honoring songs, warrior songs, victory songs, and magnificent dances were wonderful. August and I were in the midst of a gathering of eagles, celebrating the proud heritage of the great nations of the great plains.
My favorite events are the shawl dances of the teenage girls, who float with the lightness of butterflies with seemingly effortless power and energy. These teenage girls remind me of the strength and dignity of eagles, turning and soaring gracefully on the wind way up high in the sparkling blue sky.
As the evening grew late, August said he was hungry, so we went to our favorite taqueria and dined on burritos and lemonade . . . to August, the perfect finale to a fun evening.